Changing Forests Post

I traveled about 17.5 miles today.
A few separate trail segments were completed today with a wide range of terrain and plantlife. We ended the day with a roadwalk. Check out my current location on the map.
The forest over the past couple days is migrating from prairie and oak to more pine. Many acres of land have been planted in pine to be harvested just like any other crop. Pine forests make great camping spots as we've experiened the past two nights. They also hold many deer at night that get startled and snort when they discover our tents. It makes for fitful sleep but still fun.
Many turkey and deer crossed our path today as well as a few snakes. I don't mind the first two but could do without the last.
Total miles is short today because trail angels Jon and Nancy shuttle our vehicle and hosted us tonight. They are wonderful, outgoing folks and I hope to post more about them tomorrow. Right now, I've got to get some rest on this REAL bed. I feel great after 5 days of camp grime was removed in the lake and then a quick shower.
Posted: 22:37 09-06-2013 1027
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All Comments:
Sep 07, 2013 - Brother Ed
Be happy the deer keep you company at night and not the bear and wolves! Just sayin'... :-) But your worst enemy is really the tick. If you get a bite and start getting a bulls-eye rash, don't wait to seek medical attention.
Sep 07, 2013 - Brother Ed
Oh yeah, you can tell the difference from a venomous snake vs. a non-venomous snake by looking them in the eye. The non-venomous snakes have a round pupil in the eye, and the venomous snakes have an elliptical pupil like a cat. But if you're close enough to look into his pupils, you might just be too close. :-)
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