Oops Post

I traveled about 32 miles today.
After leaving Scandinavia this morning, we just hiked without much to report. Took no other breaks and reached our endpoint around 3pm. If you checked the progress map (Check out my current location on the map.) you may have noticed our trail move very quickly and then stop a long time. We went to Stevens Point to take my niece to pizza and I forgot to turn off my Spot in the car - OOPS! Fortunately, my dad texted me to turn it off. :-)
After dinner and taking care of other things, my niece took us back to the trail. It was 8:30 and completely dark but we had a roadwalk so we continued until about 10, adding another fast 5 miles. This was our longest day so far and 5am will be here too soon, so Good Night from the middle of Wisconsin.
Posted: 21:58 09-08-2013 1030
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All Comments:
Sep 08, 2013 - Brother Ed
As you venture northward, just a reminder bear hunting is already underway, and on Sat.Sept.14th bowhunting, squirrel, grouse and turkey hunting start up. So if you see me sitting up in a tree with my bow, just nod and keep walkin', I don't want your stinky scent around my tree! :-) And on Sat.Oct.5th Gun deer hunting for youth and hunters with disabilities opens on public and private land. So you might want to swap that white t-shirt for a blaze orange one if you're still hiking Oct.5th thru Oct.13th. Safety first.
Sep 09, 2013 - Karen
Did Drew get his t-shirt?
How about information on the condition of the trail? Is it rocky, uphill, timber, prairie?
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