I've accumulated almost 800 miles on my daily walks this year. Hiking pretty much every weekday for 6 to 8 miles in the early morning doesn't sound too interesting to share online, so I've not been blogging. Since it's getting close to time for my next long hike, I figure I need to make sure the blog stuff still works.
It has been fun watching the trail change over the months and I've seen many animals along the way. Here's just a few pictures of my little friends and I'll share some more over the next few days.
Now that it is mid-summer, everything is in full foliage, flowers have bloomed, and fruits are ripening. It's nearing the best time of year for hiking, so I'm preparing to leave in two weeks.

Last year, my try at the northern half of the Appalachian Trail didn't go as hoped but I'm ready to take a shot at that tough trail again.
This year, I'm going to do the southern half with a more casual schedule and not push so hard. Well, I expect I'll wind up pushing it but I'm hoping to at least pull in the reins for awhile and take it a bit easier.

Over the next couple weeks, I'll share what I've done to prepare for my long hike, what my plan is, challenges I expect to encounter, and anything else that folks ask about.

Hike On
Next: A.T. Prep
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