Day 24 - Mazatzal Wilderness Post

I traveled about 21 miles today.
Half Way!!
I crossed the halfway point today in miles, maps, and passages. Tthe passages are rated Easy, Moderate, and Strenuous. Of the 16 strenuous we've completed 11. Of the 13 easy we've done only 2. It looks like more of the passages ahead are 'easy' rather than 'strenuous' like we've been having.
The Mazatzal Wilderness has been awesome so far. The trail tread, slope, and grade have been great. We're at Horse Camp Seep where we ran into Fireweed. We've had a nice chat and campfire with her this evening.
It was a good day.
Posted: 10:18 04-10-2012 811
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All Comments:
Apr 10, 2012 - Rick Echternacht
I am thoroughly enjoying your daily postings, but looking forward to your return and a more indepth conversation of all you've seen and encountered on your quest! Looking forward to your pictures, too. It would be great if we could have a scout troop meeting, mainly devoted to your hike and what all the scouts could eventually do, if they concentrate on learning all the conservation skills you have previously taught and used on your journey! Enjoy your other half of the hike:)
I wish I was capable of making such a trip myself.
Hike on...
Apr 10, 2012 - Mark Herrmann
Looks like you are getting the hard stuff out of the way up front. Look for my Friend Roger on the AZT while you're out there. Sounds like you guys are pretty close.
Apr 16, 2012 - Hiking Dude
Rick - thanks for keeping up with me. I appreciate you guys back home keeping me in your thoughts. I've used tons of scouting skills over the past month. Just a couple days ago, I used two half hitches and a tautline hitch. I've been doing first aid on my feet, and following the LNT principles all the time. It's a beautiful, but rugged, part of the country, that's for sure.
But, as Mark mentioned, I'm looking forward to some longer, somewhat easier day walks ahead. The rocks, steep climbs, overgrown trail, erosion, and sideways tread can get old after awhile.
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