Day 26 - Pine Post

I traveled about 23 miles today.
After a delicious ranch breakfast, we got a slightly late start on our long hike to Pine. It started with a long, steep climb and continued with many miles of very rocky trail. I learned why they call the area Hardscrabble Mesa. Fortunately, the weather was cool today so the only water stop we needed was at this cool box spring called White Rock Spring.
A wonderful Boy Scout volunteer is allowing us to use his cabin - yet another example of the amazingly generous people I've met on this trek.
Tomorrow brings me a day of rest which my sore feet and legs will appreciate. There's only about 360 miles left of the trail so I think I'll make it - especially with all the support folks along the trail are willing to share.
Posted: 21:51 04-11-2012 817
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All Comments:
Apr 12, 2012 - Heidi Groven
Great Adventure! Wish we were there. Love the comments and pictures. It is great to see all of the support folks along the way!
Apr 12, 2012 - Eric Randau
Paul - great running in to you at Wal-Mart in Payson. I was relating the encounter to my wife and we recalled the hike from Washington Park to the General Crook cabin was the first big hike my son did (at age 5). I don't think you'll have any trouble.
My son is 20 now...
Apr 16, 2012 - Hiking Dude
Heidi - having a terrific time! Most folks I've met on the trail are well aware of LNT and practicing it. Very little trash along the trail but I've found a few mylar balloons in the wilderness which was strange. I guess they float out there and die on the prickly stuff.
Eric - same here. I hope your training event was a big success. I was suprised at all the homes in Washington Park - I was just expecting a camping place in the woods. The hike up to the Rim top was nice and we had a cool tailwind helping us along.
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