Mogollon Rim Post

This is the Mogollon Rim which rises a couple thousand feet to a high mesa. We'll be climbing this afternoon to the top where we'll have colder temps and probably snow tonight. Fortunately, there's supposed to be a roofed shelter on top where we hope to stay the night (and tomorrow if the weather sours).
The stay in Pine was fabulous - just like being on vacation at a mountain resort in a pine forest. I'll never stop being amazed at the generosity and hospitality of Scout families and others I meet.
Posted: 15:05 04-13-2012 819
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All Comments:
Apr 14, 2012 - Jeff Knoll
You guys hiding out in the railroad tunnel? Shudda stayed in Pine a couple more days! LOL Last year it was 100 in Phoenix on April 1.
Apr 16, 2012 - Hiking Dude
Jeff - I looked for the tunnel but couldn't find it. I expect the tracking device just spit out its last ping around there and I turned it off before it had time to ping at our final destination for the night. I've heard from a few people that this 'should' be the last snow of the year, but I'm not convinced.
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